
I take a holistic approach to investigate the underlying causes to your health concerns rather than treating your symptoms. Together we will go through your health history, your lifestyle and your current state of wellbeing by covering a range of issues including digestive health, immune function, hormone health, allergies, stress and fatigue.

I am happy to work with your GP or any other healthcare professional involved in your care.

All consultation appointments take place in a local clinic environment or via video call if that suits you better.

Consultation process

Initial Consultation £75 (up to 90 minutes)

  • assessment of health and wellbeing questionnaire
  • research and investigation prior to your visit
  • face to face or video call consultation
  • fact sheets and information
  • bespoke dietary and lifestyle plan
  • email support until any follow-up appointment

Follow-Up Appointment £50 (up to 60 minutes)

  • re-evaluation of follow-up questionnaire.
  • face to face or video call consultation
  • appropriate revision of dietary and lifestyle plan
  • continued email support until your next appointment
